lauantai 28. tammikuuta 2012

I´m an addict. A sick one.

Well. Something unexpected happened. I was hospitalized. Yep. Here I am at Päijät-Häme Central Hospital for the third night on a row. And of all places, I'm at the maternity ward!
I'm probably already getting confused with the days but I guess it was Tuesday evening, when I got this sudden, shooting pain in my lower belly. I have quite a high tolerance when it comes to pain (having given birth twice without drugs of any kind, the second time of my own free will) so I got somewhat worried as I was doubled up with pain. We called our neighbour/friend to come over and watch the kids (who were sleeping) and my husband drove us to the emergency. From ER they sent us straight to gynecologist, as they suspected this was something that only women have. They took some samples and a doc examined me with an ultrasound. It seemed like there might have been cyst in my ovaries and it had ruptured, causing the pain. However they needed to wait for my blood test results before releasing me.
My husband decided to go home to let the babysitter get some sleep, so I stayed to hear the results. Nothing was badly wrong (I didn't seem to be bleeding internally nor was I pregnant) so they let me go home too but wanted me to com back over in the morning.
The next morning I came back with Velma. They checked me again and found nothing really wrong so I could go back home again but needed to come again for a check up on Friday. On Thursday I developed a fever. I struggled through the day thinking I would go to the appointment the following morning. In the evening my friends and family twisted my arm about so I called to the local health care unit and they asked me to immediately come over to check my blood if it showed infection. Boy did it indeed: their machine only showed 160 so they didn't know how high the number really was so I was told to get my stuff and leave for the Central Hospital.
And here I've been ever since. Getting mostly bored (without a proper access to the internet) and annoyed and big-boobed. The thing is that they won't let Velma stay here with me so I only get to feed her like twice a day. I was certain I'd get back home today as I'm feeling almost normal but the infection isn't responding to the antibiotics very quickly so I might have to stay here until Monday! And probably this is all because of this little hell-machine intrauterine device (?) that I let them put inside me against my better judgement in order to not fill the world with more little Gizmos that look like me and my hubbie, at least not for five years. 
Sometimes I almost wish I was a man. Almost. 
Oh, and why am I an addict. You're witnessing it right now. 

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