In a Land Far Far Away...
I had something of a breakdown yesterday. My grandmother passed away in October and she surprised us grandchildren by leaving us 2500€ each. Since this was really unexpected I thought it would be acceptable to spend the money just as I pleased. I could easily think of a ten things to do(ncluding renovating our upstairs toilet, saving it, etc.) butsince everyone around is travelling to Thailand during the six months to come, I couldn't help myself and let the travel fever get to me. So I booked flights to Phuket (a VERY good deal) fot the whole family for two weeks in March. The best part was that my little sister did the same so we'd be travelling together. The kids would've loved it! But then, reality check: My husband couldn't go. I still don't understand the whole reason (being the CEO he has to be present just then as they are doing something REALLY important). I consideredgoing anyway, and to replace my hubby with my big sister (who stopped by on their way to Thailand yesterday and said she'd go) but finally I had to admit to myself that I didn't want to go without him.
What this all lead to was tears from a) the disappointment of not going to Thailand, b) lack of sleep and c) a sudden realisation that my grandmother is dead and the amount of my missing her.
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